Sunday, 30 June 2013

June 29, 2013 - GLORIOUS sunshine

June 29, 2013 – GLORIOUS Sunshine

We awoke to brilliant sunshine this morning … what a treat!  That opened up many possibilities for the day’s activities … a walk into town for provisions & swimming under the boat to clear the kelp from the stabilizers and the wing engine.  I will let you take a guess as to who did what ….

Boys and their toys …. Diving gear & Go-Pro camera …


We had a “repair guy” come down to look at our KVH Sat TV system and Talbot’s radar ….our TV is now working …. Talbot’s radar, not so much.  Apparently it needs parts … on Canada Day long weekend … good luck with THAT !!!

Stay tuned as this may affect the trip schedule somewhat …  that and the most recent weather update.  Our weather window is changing .... planning a boating trip is like trying to nail Jello.

There is a family of eagles that nest somewhere very near the marina and they are magnificent, as they swoop around the boats.  For a very majestic bird, we decided they had a less than majestic sound … they sound like a squeaky door hinge!!  But they are FUN to watch ….


Hamburgers on the back deck and another beautiful evening …


June 27th - The Three Musketeers

I seemed to have forgotten  June 27th in my postings .... so there will be a little jog in my time line. 

That happens when one gets older .... bear with me !

June 27, 2013 – The Three Musketeers

Our start this morning involved lifting up the tender and pulling up the anchor … all in the POURING rain… all at 6 am !!!  Wet Coast is an understatement !!   We headed to our next anchorage in a beautiful bay at Mound Island.  Here we rafted together and enjoyed whipping around the bay in the tenders, dropping a few crab traps (Talbots caught one keeper) & fishing a little (got skunked). 


 Jon and Sue “join us” for appetizers …..

Rippin' around the bay …. Oh you crazy kids !!!!

“Snacks and chats”  on the deck ….

(Check out my “garden” to the right – two buckets of herbs and lettuces loving all this "liquid sunshine" !)

  AND we even got some brilliant sunshine in the early evening …. It was glorious !!

A beautiful evening at Mound Island Anchorage as the sun sets ….. same view as the sun sets.

One thing I find so amazing (true on land but especially noticeable on the water ) is the LIGHT ....  
how it changes but is still always there, and how it affects on our view of things.  

Oh the analogies I could get into .... but I will leave you to think about that !!!

Just sayin' .....








Saturday, 29 June 2013

June 28, 2013 - The WET Coast

June 28, 2013 – The WET Coast

We putzed around the bay in the morning and as the rains started, we pulled our anchors and slowly fished our way through some beautiful islands, heading towards Port Hardy.  Malahide headed out into the fog for some fishing in Blackfish Channel – brave without their radar working !!  Sea Level II and Calibri worked our way down George Passage, north of Malcolm Island .   Again, we got skunked, but Calibri caught a couple of cod !!
Getting the fishing gear organized ….. 

OMG !  It is GORGEOUS in here !!!!  The whisps of clouds just hang in the trees and the fog makes everything seem so .... quiet.
Colibri winding her way through the islands.
Maybe I can get Penny to paint this for me ……  How beautiful is this ?
An eagle looking for his next meal ....

Did I mention this is the WET Coast !!!??? Rain is due to stop soon (I hope …)

Although we luckily didn’t encounter a lot of traffic, the vessels we did see, would just appear out of the fog ….  they looked like ghost ships !!  BIG ghost ships !!!  We saw TWO of these babies ....
Boat traffic did get a little busier as we approached Port Hardy's harbor and they are clearly much more comfortable bombing around in this pea soup than we were .... we were on full alert !!
Colibri and Sea Level II arrived in Port Hardy to find  Malahide safely docked. They have run into radar issues which may prove to be problematic if they can’t get it fixed!!  (I’m SURE Penny will be mentioning it in her blog …. Which I think she’s going to call “And this is why I drink ….” !!! )
My dad is due to head off early tomorrow morning, so he took us ALL out for a lovely dinner at the Quarterdeck Marina …. It was a wonderful treat that we very much enjoyed dinner after our soggy-foggy day !!!
This is Cameron, me, dad, Diana and her son, Denis (hubby Christopher is taking the photo), & Penny and Lawrence Talbot.

I will certainly TREASURE having this special time with my dad.  He has been great company and such fun.  This week with him has been a special treat !!!


Friday, 28 June 2013

June 26, 2013 …. Davey-O’s birthday !!!

As we headed to Forward Harbor, we left one of our famous (or infamous) singing telephone messages with son #3 who is officially 22 years old.  I’m not sure how that happened as “it seemed like only yesterday” we were bringing this adorable little blonde bundle home from the hospital …
Happy Birthday sweetheart !!!

En route to Forward Harbor, we anchored in Beaver Inlet and do a little kayaking and fishing.
Dad and I got skunked, but Christopher and Diana (on Colibri) caught a good sized cod … DINNER !!!
Beautiful scenery en route ....


Once we landed in Forward Harbor we opted to each drop our hook rather than raft together afterwhich we then gathered on Colibri for a fabulous dinner of fish tacos.  Did I mention how well we are eating !?!?!  J 
The scenery is amazing.  The weather has not been overly warm, but the light and the cloud cover has made the coastline look like a Tony Onley painting … scene after scene is stunning !! 
THIS is the TRUE “50 shades of grey” !!!  J 



We had a "little squall" come through …. Earning our reputation as the “Wet Coast” ! 


June 25, 2013 – Prepare for the worst ….

The trip up to Shoal Bay included some rapids – Yaculta, Dent and Devil’s Hole (doesn’t THAT sound like fun ?!?! ).  We had prepared for the worst and prayed for the best, not knowing what to expect, other than what we had read …. all of which was quite foreboding.  We timed the runs just right and all went smoothly, thankfully.   And here we are “popping out the other side” ….


Anchoring in Shoal Bay was …. challenging.  Third time lucky and we FINALLY got our anchor to hold.  However, we arrived back from Malahide after dinner….in the DARK …… to wonder just how secure we were !?!  Our depth reading had gone from 45’ to 100’ over the course of a couple of hours. We had 250’ of chain out which is effective in 45’ of water, but not so good in 100’ of water.   It’s very disconcerting to be on your boat in the middle of a bay somewhere, in total darkness, with GUSTING winds and POURING rain … and not be sure your anchor is secure.  We could see nothing past the edges of our boat.  Captain Cam kept a vigil until about 3:30am until he was pretty darn sure we weren’t going anywhere …. Then off to sleep for a few hours before we headed off again.  We thought boating was to be restful and relaxing.  Not so far ….. certainly not for our captain!!  

Here we are in Shoal Bay ….. looking very secure don't you think  !!!!



May I just say ….. It amazes me how complicated the systems on these boats are but Captain Cam has figured them ALL out.  What he isn’t sure about, he finds out about by talking to people, reading the manuals or asking the systems reps about.  He has the KVH guy on speed dial.  Once safely anchored, he is often disappearing into either the engine room or the “basement” with a manual tucked under his arm ….  

It’s very comforting to know we are in such good hands!!

I, on the other hand, have figured out the Nespresso machine!!!

What can I say ..... we each have our jobs ….   


June 24, 2013 – Martini’s anyone ???

Off to Cortes Island, to the RVYC outstation  …. A nice spot albeit VERY windy while we were there.  Nice walks, freshly baked strawberry/rhubarb pies from a local named Barbara, and a big roast lamb dinner.  I think we will be eating well this trip!! 


Dad whips up some pre-dinner drinks for the crew ….




June 23, 2013 – t-shirts … t-shirts …. And more t-shirts ….

As Sea Level II and Malahide pulled out of RVYC Coal Harbor and out beyond this STUNNING city early Sunday morning, with an 8 ½ hour day ahead of us, I settled in with a latte and thought about how lucky I am to be able to share this adventure with my hubby, Cameron (who is ONE very HAPPY CAMPER right now!) and my dad, (who is SO engaged in everything we are doing and SO engaging with all the people we’ve introduced him to).  COOL hubby … COOL dad …. COOL adventure!!!

I truly appreciate how blessed I am.
Blessed yes, but I also realize … I am a terrible packer !! For some unknown reason, I have packed 35 t-shirts. I am embarrassed to admit that I even HAVE 35+ t-shirts but there you go…. a clean t-shirt pretty much every day of the trip!! I also have packed my entire supply of yoga pants of all varying lengths and colors. On top of that, I forgot to pack a few key pieces – my favorite boating shoes and hoodie. So … it looks like t-shirt, yoga pants and bare feet will be the outfit of choice (or should I say necessity).

But I digress ….

The trip to Grief Point Marina was beautiful … hit some high winds at Howe Sound (appropriately named the Howe Sound Howler) but thanks to Neptune (and that champagne) we managed just fine !!! We settled in to the marina, with the Dent’s aboard Colibri, not far behind. There, we went through the unwrapping of a very special Aussie care package sent to us by our Aussie contingent, who was unable to come on THIS adventure but plan to join us next year. The care package was a brilliant collection of Aussie flags, balloons, special teas & soaps, magazines, t-shirts, Tim Tams (yum), vegie-mite (gag) etc …. Sue and Jon were certainly there in spirit (thanks to a big photo of them that Penny had printed and blown up). Talbots had provided Old Salty Bastard t-shirts for the boys and the Dents had made up Team Trawler shirts for the boys, girls AND my dad !! …. Lots of laughs …. We all looked very stunning in our matching team trawler shirts as we headed up to the pub for a GREAT dinner at the marina.






Friday, 14 June 2013

I didn't know you were in to boating ?!?!

That was a very common response by our friends when we (in our early to mid fifties )  purchased our first boat - a 46' Meridian.  Personally, I didn't know we were "in to boating" either, but I was game for an adventure .... and as it turned out, we really LIKED it !!  Then things evolved .... following is something I wrote (in the wee hours one sleepless night ) at the time we decided to purchase our current (and forever!) boat - a 60' Nordhavn. 

In the story that is your life .....
We have no control over the timing of when opportunities present themselves.  I believe that is in God’s hands.  What we do with these opportunities is up to us ... we can seize them and try and make them work, or we can pass them up with the hopes that the situation may present itself again, when the timing is better... when we can afford it .... when we have more time .... when the kids are older ....

I can’t tell you exactly how this all began, but whatever this little itch started as, has blossomed into something truly wonderful and very exciting.  What started MANY years ago, as a desire for some waterfront– a peaceful little cabin on a body of water somewhere – has twice now, morphed into a beautiful home, literally ON the water.  

Our first home was a beautiful Meridian 459, which we appropriately named WATERFRONT.  Thanks to our boys, we even had wine glasses with our “dream” etched on them !!   It was a BIG step with a very steep learning curve, but we managed, and we loved it.  We were hooked.

Then the dream grew, as they often do.  Cam’s plan to retire is about 5 years down the road and the idea of travelling on the boat to exotic places sounded like a wonderful vocation for the early part of retirement.  We needed a boat that we could safely do that in.  Along came Sea Level ... a Nordhavn 60.

It was the opportunity of a lifetime, and on October 1, 2011, our offer to purchase her was accepted .

Our new “little cabin on the water” is a stunning 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home with a designer kitchen and enough technology to run the Canadian Navy. It is “all that the captain ordered” ....  pristine, seaworthy, elegant, comfortable, able to accommodate family and friends and fully loaded with all sorts of gadgets ... AND, like her “first and only mate”, comes from Norwegian roots !

The boat is perfect.

The timing .... not so much. 

In a perfect world, this opportunity would have presented itself in about 2 years.  At that point, many of the uncertainties we are sweating, around our ability to afford this dream, would be more certain if not fully realized.   However, that is not the case.  But we have done our due diligence.  Cam has run a myriad of financial scenarios (I think he’s up to 9 or 10), we have spoken with people “in the know” – financial experts who are confident that our dollar will strengthen, that interest rates will continue to stay low.  Boat experts that feel this is a buyers market (a good thing for us purchasing the Nordhavn 60, but not so good for us selling our Meridian 459 ....  Stay tuned for how that all works out. ) 

We are encouraged by the things that have “fallen into place” and see it as a sign that we are on the right path.  We are hopeful that, God willing, this beautiful ship will carry us, our family and our friends to exotic and exciting places, to experience the wonders of this amazing world.  It is our dream for the next chapter in our lives. 

Let this next chapter be extraordinary....

So we purchased Sea Level and began getting her ready for the adventures that lay ahead.  We were just over a year and a half sorting out "electronic issues" (yes ... that IS a technical term) in Anacortes WA. It took a while ... we were in no rush .... The people that worked on her became our good friends and the memories made during that time are very special ... we had a lot of fun and fell in love with Anacortes ... We will be back !!!

Our beautiful Meridian sold after a year and a half, to her new "forever owners" and we know they will enjoy her ... she's a perfect coastal cruising boat.

June 1st 2013 and we brought Sea Level into Canada.  The trip was ... interesting ... hitting some snotty winds and we, and ours sons joining us, were SO seasick.  Clearly we need to TOUGHEN UP !!!

Sea Level II ( her new Canadian name !) is pretty much ready to go, for our first real big adventure .... a circumnavigation around Vancouver Island this summer !! 

We will start out travelling with Penny and Lawrence Talbot ( aboard Malahide) and Christopher and Diana Dent ( aboard Colibre).  Penny will be blogging about their adventure as well, on her blog site -  She is a great writer and you'll enjoy her perspective ....
Joining us on our boat will be my dad for our first week (I'm VERY excited to be getting to spend this special one on one time with him ... here's hoping for great fishing !! ).  We hope to have two of our sons join us at some point, work schedules permitting !  Finally we will be wrapping up the last few days of our trip with some of Cam's family.  They are GREAT fun and always game for an adventure, so we are looking forward to having them aboard !!
So in just over a week - with freezers full of food, tanks full of fuel, lots of Gravol and scopolamine patches and MOST importantly, a well-stocked liquor cabinet - we will cast off.
Stay tuned .... I'll keep you posted !!