It was to be a 10 hour run to Bahai de los Muertos (Bay of
the Dead) …. and as the sun peeked over the horizon at 6am, we pulled out of
the marina to what we were expecting to be a lovely run.
Northern Ranger leaving Puerto Los Cabos .....
Fishing pangas at the entrance to the harbor .....
A STUNNING sunrise ......
What we experienced however, were +1 meter waves at 5 seconds apart … on the
nose …. Making for a VERY rough 10 hour ride.
DUET burying its bow .....
Sea Level taking on a little spray !!
NOT quite the ride we were expecting ....
Cameron was sick …
Our crew was feeling “off” (although they did not get
I stayed up top on the flybridge and the breeze kept any nausea at bay.
It was going to be a very loooong 10 hours …..
And then all hell broke loose ....
We had started the day with a very low reserve of water –
less than ¼ of a 600 gal tank …. (MUCH lower than we usually have …. thankfully)
and we were running the watermaker to bring our water level UP.
At one point Ed's eagle eyes noticed our water tank level was
quickly .... going DOWN?!?!
The watertank was EMPTYING …
somewhere …..
The system was immediately turned off …..
A hasty run around the boat checking bilges, bathrooms,
the “basement” etc ….
Cam was headed downstairs to the engine room and stepped in 3-4”
of water sloshing around the laundry area.
Now we just needed to find where the problem originated ….
Ed and I bailed all the water out of the laundry area while Christine
drove the boat ….
…. and Cam threw up.
It was a testy time.
We finally arrived at Muertos feeling ABSOLUTELY WHIPPED .... and
with NO water L
Some sleuthing led Cam and Ed to discover a
blown hose connection on one of the fresh water hoses so thankfully it was an
easy fix. A reconnection and we were
good to go …..
AND … now with the laundry room floor VERY clean, we were back
on track leaving the watermaker to run all night to replenish our water supply
Ed whipped up an omelet for those of us feeling like eating
…. Half comatosed, we watched Jumanji and retired early as everyone was
EXHAUSTED !!! NO swimming as we had NO
rinse water … and we were too tired anyways ….
( But the water was absolutely
beautiful…. 80’ and clear, aquamarine
blue. )
Are we having fun yet ???
Pulling out of Muertos Cove into Cerralvo Channel puts us officially into THE SEA OF CORTEZ .....
I am happy to report that the trip from Bahai de los Muertos to Costa Baja (La Paz) was
GORGEOUS ….. glassy conditions… balmy breezes …. NO water leaks …. NO serious
disasters …. OH ! Except for the overheated wing engine which blew coolant ALL
OVER the engine room ….
(OMG …. Does this ever end ?!?!)