Preparing for the family's arrival .....
My on-going 60th birthday celebration continued WELL past August, to early November, when all our boys, their significant others and our grandsons joined us for a week in La Paz.
It was SO fun to share our experiences in town, on the boat and exploring the beautiful Sea of Cortez with everyone.
We arrived a few days ahead of the kids to get the boat ready and do some provisioning....
AND ... we arrived to a beautiful arrangement of flowers, chilled champagne, crackers and cheese and dried fruit from all our kids (arranged by Brian through our boat minder, Francisco ...)
This is the story of our holiday in beautiful La Paz .....
We did some shell hunting along the beaches .....
The 3 bedroom villa right by the marina, worked out SO well for the (adult) kids
and we had Hayden and Bentley with us on the boat .....
The kitchen in the villa provided plenty of room for us all to gather for dinners ....
First morning together, we took an excursion out to swim with the whale sharks.
Heading out with our guide, Bobby, on the guide boat .....

As you can see, we actually get quite close to the whale sharks.
These are generally adolescent ones, reaching about 16 feet.
BTW ....Whale sharks feed on plankton NOT people .....
Hayden and Bentley preferred to watch from the boat !!
It was a FANTASTIC experience for everyone .....
then back to the pool for a little "chillin' time" ...
And more than a few milkshakes, margaritas and mojitos .....
An afternoon swim and drink at the pool became our much anticipated afternoon activity while we were at the resort.
We spent a couple of afternoons in town, doing a little exploring, shopping and lunching .....
After a day on the water, in the water and walking around town in the hot sun, we were ready for a little air conditioned siesta time .....
Each of the couples were responsible for a dinner (of their choice) .....
Brian made chicken and sweet potatoes while Lisa whipped up some Earl Grey Martini's ....
Meanwhile rousing games of SPOT IT (or UNO) were often played during down time ....
Then it was out on SEA LEVEL with everybody, for a 3 day/2 night excursion exploring Isla Partida and Isla San Francisco in the Sea of Cortez .....
All on board and pulling out of the marina .....
Jeff and Sarah whipping up kabobs and a broccoli salad for dinner .....
And of course, more UNO and SPOT IT ....
While at Isla Partida, we tendered up (in shifts) to Los Islotos to swim with the sea lions ....
David and Christine whipping up some TACOS .....
While at our various anchorages, there was lots of time for reading on the back deck ....
hanging out ... eating ... drinking ....
... and of course, dancing .....
While at Isla San Francisco, anchored in THE HOOK, we tendered in to the beach on the Caribe and the Porta Bote ....
From the beach, some of us hiked up the ridge to take in the spectacular views of the bay and beyond ....
(unfortunately, Jeff had broken a toe just before leaving on this trip, so he and Sarah opted out of the hike)
We enjoyed some BEAUTIFUL sunsets .....
Back at the marina & villa, we spent the last few days enjoying more chilling at the pool .....
hanging together ....
killer margaritas .....
For one of our last dinners together, we had a fabulous dinner out at the resort's Italian restaurant...
including our sleeping angels ....
It was such a fantastic family holiday and a wonderful way to celebrate my 60th birthday with some of my MOST FAVORITE PEOPLE ....
Thanks so much for making it so special ....
I love you all ....