Wednesday 17 July 2013

July 16, 2013 - Hot Springs Cove !!

July 16, 2013 – Friendly Cove to Hot Springs Cove

Having been up on and off all night checking the anchor, our captain was ready to pull anchor around 9am and we left the 19 kn winds in the cove, and headed for open ocean …. 15-20 kn winds with 2 M seas at 7-9 seconds apart …. Quite handle-able for our rock steady Sea Level !!

Hot Springs Cove in Clayoquot Sound, was our next anchorage.  It’s a busy little cove with Tofino Air flying people in and out to enjoy the Hot Springs …. We enjoyed watching the float planes coming and going right next to the boat !!

Things quieted down later in the afternoon and we made our way over to the Macquinna Provincial Park dock and the 2 mile boardwalk to the hot springs.  The boardwalk has been constructed of 2X6 planks that people have carved their boat names into …. It makes for a fascinating read as one is walking through the forest.

Anybody we know ?????  J

Clara Richardson has snagged herself a very romantic husband !!  I HOPE she said YES !!
And of course …..SEA LEVEL was there !!  (albeit the S/V version back in '08 ... and now us in 2013)

The hot springs are …. HOT …. And climbing around the rocks is a bit treacherous, but it is well worth the experience !!  On top of meeting some very nice fellow “hot tubbers” we also had a visit from a big whale just outside the rocks … he didn’t have any spectacular moves, like breaching, but he did roll up to the surface, blow,  and make his presence known !!  VERY cool !!
A very beautiful view from the lookout point .....
All in all, Friendly Cove was a beautiful spot ... windy for us leaving in the morning, but all quite do-able !!


  1. As always, such stunning photos Kim. Did you carve your boat's name into the boardwalk too? This is quite the wonderful summer adventure and one of the good bits about technology today is being able to enjoy the trip along with you! xox Elaine C

  2. We didn't carve our own name as we hadn't come with "carving tools" but we did find the original SEA LEVEL which is a sail boat!! That will just have to do !!! Glad you're enjoying the blog ....
